Team VRUK Member Blogs
If I say I'm going to do something...
So when times are hard, dig down deep, remember how you feel after your run, walk or workout and find that inner motivation to keep going.....
Shelbe rounds up her first month of 2020
One of the main reason i took up running/walking was to loose weight and it worked, as the weight came off i found i had a different out look on life.
*Non runner’s running blog* - update week 2/3
For run 3 of the week, I even took my dog for company and he enjoyed going on a faster leg stretch than usual. Extra happiness all round, so fingers crossed for week three……..
From non runner to runner (or how I got into running) by Gill
In 2011 my friend was diagnosed with a brain tumour. Whilst sitting round hers one day I said I would do the 5k Race for Life on the understanding she fought the disease and was at the finish with pink champagne.
Believe and you will succeed
Even though i was freezing cold, tired, hungry and by body hurt lol i felt truly amazing, i thought this is why someone wants to run 13 miles for fun , because it makes you feel fantastic after. I have decided this week i plan to work on my weight training to strengthen up my legs.
Working my way through C25K to GSR
Then a friend mentioned Strava. Oh heck, now there were segments to run and PBs to get and my natural competitiveness reared its head. I was now beginning to tell family, friends and colleagues about my running and the plan for the Great South Run.
Carpe Diem. Isn’t that what they say? by Sarah
I was going to finally start the running journey by walking the first five lights, and jogging the next one, all the way to the top.
Is this my mid life crisis? – Jenny Crowe
I was probably having a bit of a whinge to my son via Facetime about needing something to get me out and about. He suggested I start running.
Strong and stretchy (and not just the leggings!)
on top of some kettle bell work in the gym and some evil sets of burpees given to me by my personal trainer, I have gone back to yoga today, rocking my gorgeous sugar skull leggings.
*A non-runner’s running blog.* - Gill
I have spent my whole life telling anyone who will listen that I am not a runner, and I have always hated running. Yet, as a 50+ year old, I have this nagging urge to be able to run
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