Strong and stretchy (and not just the leggings!)

On top of running this week I have been trying to build my strength especially in my core. I'm reliably informed this will help my running for all sorts of reasons and a stronger core will help me feel more stable, which is definitely a bonus when you are prone to taking a tumble mid run as I have been known to do!

So on top of some kettle bell work in the gym and some evil sets of burpees given to me by my personal trainer, I have gone back to yoga today, rocking my gorgeous sugar skull leggings.

The relaxing bit at the end made me feel really chilled out ready for a lazy saturday before my long run tomorrow. I also feel quite pleased with myself for trying new things even when I think they look too hard. What other training do other runners do as well as their weekly runs?




  • xcTVeAtyq

  • lHbPKwnWhokA


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