Meet Andy - runner returned to cycling
How did you hear about Virtual Racing UK?
I saw your post on Facebook and thought, I like the idea of this.
Through my cycling and Running career I gained lots of medals or Gongs as they were affectionately know as. So I thought yes why not.
What inspired you to start Virtual Racing?
I don't really need anything to push me to train. I do it for enjoyment. But this is a great incentive.
I do like the medals and it’s a fantastic way to get some money in for the smaller charities that get missed.
How many races have you taken part in?
I have done 32 now. Ranging from 5k through to the yearly challenges. Just completed my 1000 mile challenge. Need to go for the 2000 now.
Which has been your favourite and why?
I like the longer challenges now. As I can’t run anymore, I have gone back to cycling. Even a 5 or 6k challenge I will do 20 miles or so. So I am now concentrating mainly on the longer ones.
What benefits have you noticed as a result?
Definitely fitter and feel much better for it to, physically and mentally. Lost some weight to. That’s always a good thing.
Would you recommend Virtual Racing to a friend?
Yes for sure, and I have done. Wether they take it On is up to them. But I enjoy doing them.
Anything else we should know?
I used to cycle a lot as a child, then through to my late twenties. The odd race and riding to work. discovered Mountain Biking when it first came over here. A friend then offered me a place in “ The Great South Run” due to his injury. I took it on even though I hadn’t ever been a runner.
Did ok and got the bug. That changed my whole exercise routine and the cycle got hung up in the garage gathering dust. After a motorcycle accident which I smashed my ankle in, I tried to run again, but after another year or so I just had to stop because the recovery time and pain was just to much.
So I sat around and did nothing. Getting really unfit. A few issues and loosing a some friends to illnesses made me get out on my cycle again. Now I can stay off it. And Virtual Racing definitely help with the motivation, and it’s great to be part of a community. Love reading about other people’s achievements. Long may we all carry on. Thank you all for what you do for motivation and mainly the charities involved.